Welcome to the Mountain Lakes Area Branch of AAUW – NJ!

AAUW has been empowering women as individuals and as community members since 1881; promoting equity for all women and girls, lifelong education and positive societal change

For 100 years, our branch has worked as part of a national grassroots organizaiton to improve the lives of millions of women and their families.

AAUW Mountain Lakes Area Branch…

Join the 80+ members of the AAUW Mountain Lakes Branch – Graduates with an associate or equivalent degree, baccalaureate or higher degree, or an international equivalent. Geographic area includes, but is not limited to, Mountain Lakes, Denville, Boonton, Boonton Township, Montville, Parsippany, Randolph and Rockaway. If you are new to AAUW and/or Morris County and would like more information, send an email to aauwmtnlakes@gmail.com.

AAUW is the oldest and largest national organization working for the advancement of women and girls with 170,000 individual members and 1,800 college/institution partners.

AAUW Members-at-Large are invited to drop by a meeting to become acquainted with our Branch activities. (Membership for further information)

Join us/Renew. We add AAUW members through the year AAUW: 
$98 membership expires June 30, 2025
(Don’t forget to Give-a-Grad a Gift of membership)

AAUW offers monthly Programs with outstanding speakers and learning trips and special events. (See Programs)

AAUW Mountain Lakes also offers activities including dialogues on State and National AAUW Public Policy issues. (See Public Policy)

  • Celebrate 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment and the women who worked so hard to get it.
  • Please bring a friend that you think might be interested in joining AAUW to help empower women and girls.
  • Learn what issues are important for us to support.
  • Learn more about our upcoming programs and our enrichment groups.

AAUW provides Scholarships for local college women.

AAUW sponsors lively Enrichment Groups matched to members’ interests. (See Enrichment Groups)

AAUW offers Community activities including:

  • Mountain Lakes Fall UN Weekend
  • We also publish The Chrysalis, a monthly newsletter e-mailed to members. You may request a copy by emailing aauwmtnlakes@gmail.com.
  • Arranges sparkling Social gatherings.

Member Honors, we would like to hear from you!

  • $500 was given in honor of the designated 2024 Eleanor Roosevelt Named Grant Honoree; Sandy Sepcie.
Send the webmaster, Cheryl Long, news of your promotions, achievements, and awards.
Contact the President: Mary Hager