
(Revised 1993; 2005; 2009 AAUW-NJ Approval pending)


Section 1. Name. The name of this organization shall be the Mountain Lakes, New Jersey, Area Branch (“Branch”) of AAUW.

Section 2. Governance. The AAUW Bylaws shall govern this branch in all practices, and the bylaws of this organization shall in no way conflict with AAUW Bylaws.


The purpose of this Branch shall be to further AAUW’s mission to advance equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research.


Section 1. AAUW Policy. The policies and program of AAUW shall be binding on all members and the branch and no member or the branch shall use the name of AAUW to oppose such policies or program. Established channels may be used to change a policy or program.

Section 2. Freedom of Speech. The freedom of speech of the individual member to speak a personal opinion in the member’s own name is not abridged.

Section 3.Violations. Violation of the use of AAUW’s name shall result in action taken in accordance with AAUW policy.


Section 1.  Membership

  1. Individuals who meet the criteria for membership as described in the AAUW Bylaws, Article IV, and who have paid dues (national + state + branch dues) are eligible to be admitted to membership in this branch. The provisions set forth in this section are the sole requirements of eligibility and admissibility for membership. Refusal to admit an eligible person shall result in loss of recognition of the branch. The branch member shall be entitled to vote, hold office, and participate in activities and programs and receive the publication distributed to all branch members.
  2. A member-at-large (MAL) of AAUW may become a member of the branch upon payment of branch and AAUW-NJ dues.
  3. A member may be suspended or dropped from membership for any conduct that tends to injure AAUW or to affect adversely its reputation, or that is contrary to or destructive of its mission according to AAUW policies and procedures

Section 2. Dues

  1. Changes in branch dues shall be determined at the annual meeting by two-thirds vote of those present voting, provided notice has been given to the members 14 days prior to the meeting.
  2. Paid life members of AAUW, as defined in the AAUW Bylaws, are required to pay branch dues to become members of the branch.
  3. Fifty-Year Honorary Members of AAUW are exempt from paying AAUW, AAUW-NJ, and branch dues.
  4. A member of one of the national associations or federations of IFUW, whose current dues have been paid and who is spending a period of a year or less in the USA, may attend branch meetings without vote.
  5. New members may join at any time. Dues are payable upon joining. The national and AAUW-NJ portion of the dues paid by new members for less than a full year is determined by AAUW and AAUW-NJ policy. The branch board of directors may set a reduction in branch dues.
  6. Payment of additional dues shall be waived for transferring members whose current dues have been paid to another branch



Section 1. Elected Officers.
The officers shall be President, Membership Vice President, Programs Vice President, Community Vice President, Communications Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The general membership shall have the option to elect Co-Presidents.

Section 2. Elections. Elections shall take place at the April meeting of the Branch. Nominations may be made from the floor, provided the nominee is a member in good standing and the consent of the nominee has been obtained in advance. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of those members present.

Section 3. Terms. Each officer shall serve a term of two years or until her successor takes office. Installation shall take place at the May annual meeting and officers shall take office after installation, except the Treasurer, who shall take office on July 1. The Membership Vice President, the Community Vice President, and the Secretary shall be elected in even-numbered years. The President, the Programs Vice President, the Communications Vice President, and the Treasurer shall be elected in odd-numbered years.

Section 4. Duties. Officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these Bylaws, Branch policies, and Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised. They shall perform any other duties assigned by the President or the Board.

A. President. The President shall have the usual executive powers of supervision and management pertaining to the office, and such other powers and duties designated by the Board of Directors, and shall: 1) preside at the meetings of the Branch and Board; 2) in consultation with the Vice Presidents, appoint as follows: directors of Public Policy and Enrichment Activities; Educational Foundation Liaison; chairs and members of committees; and other persons as may be deemed necessary to carry on the work of the Branch; 3) in consultation with the Enrichment Activities Director, appoint leaders of the Enrichment Activities; 4) be a member of the Budget Committee and an ex officio member of all other committees except the Nominating Committee; 5) sign or endorse checks, drafts, and notes in the absence or disability of the Treasurer; 6) represent the branch in activities of the Association and the State; 7) be responsible for matters required by the Association and State; and 8) execute, with the Secretary, all legal documents of the Branch, when so authorized by the Board.

B. Membership Vice President. The Membership Vice President shall perform duties related to membership. Under her supervision shall be the Membership Committee and such other committees and positions as may be assigned to her by the Board. She shall also serve in the President’s absence and, until the next elections, assume the office of President in the event of a vacancy in that office.

C. Programs Vice President. The Programs Vice President shall be responsible for the programs for Branch meetings and social events. Under her supervision shall be the Programs Committee, the Social Committee, and such other committees and positions as may be assigned to her by the Board.

D. Community Vice President. The Community Vice President shall be the link between the Branch and its activities which impact upon the community. Under her supervison shall be the Public Policy Director, the Scholarship Committee, the Fundraising Committee, the Educational Foundation Liaison, and such other committees and positions as may be assigned to her by the Board.

E. Communications Vice President. The Communications Vice President shall be responsible for communications within and outside the Branch. Under her supervision shall be such committees and positions as may be assigned to her by the Board.



Section 1. Board of Directors.

A. Composition. The Board shall be composed of the elected officers and the following appointed directors: Enrichment Activities Director; Public Policy Director; and chairs of Membership, Programs, Social, Scholarship, and Fundraising standing committees. The Immediate Past President and any Branch members who are members of the State or Association Boards of Directors shall be courtesy members without vote.

B. Terms. Members of the Board shall serve terms of two years or until the successors have been elected or appointed. Terms commence after the May annual meeting, with the exception of the Treasurer. (See also Article V, Sec. 3.)

C. Duties. In accordance with these Bylaws, the Board shall have the general power to administer the affairs of the Branch and to carry out its programs and policies and shall act for the Branch between meetings. Duties include, but are not limited to: 1) managing and supervising the business and activities of the Branch, subject to instructions from the annual meeting; 2) accepting responsibility for matters required by the Association and the State; 3) recommending to the membership additional standing committees or changes in standing committees; 4) authorizing special committees, enrichment activity groups, and such positions as may be deemed necessary to carry on the work of the Branch; 5) ratifying the President’s appointments for vacancies left by elected members whose terms have not expired; 6) reviewing and approving the proposed budget before presentation to the membership; 7) recommending the amount of Branch dues to the membership; 8) participating in the Interbranch Council; and 9) performing any other such duties as specified in these Bylaws.

D. Meetings. The Board shall meet at least eight times each year. Additional meetings may be called by the President or four Board members.

Section 2. The Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected officers. It may act in the interim between meetings, shall exercise such power and authority as may be delegated to it by the Board, and shall report to the Board on all actions taken by it.

Section 3. Quorum. In both bodies, a quorum shall consist of a majority of the members.


Section 1. Standing Committees

A. Mandated Standing Committees. These committees include Membership Programs, Social, Scholarship, and Fundraising.

B. Other Standing Committees. The Board may recommend to the membership the creation of additional standing committees. The Board may also recommend disbanding standing committees except for the mandated standing committees.

C. Membership and Terms. A standing committee shall have one or more members who are appointed by the President in consultation with the Vice Presidents. With the exception of the Scholarship Committee, committee chairs and members shall serve a term of two years, concurrent with the terms of the Vice Presidents to whom they report.

Section 2. Special (Ad Hoc) Committees

A. Budget Committee. The Budget Committee shall be composed of the President, the Treasurer and two members appointed annually by the President before February 1. One of these two shall serve as chair. The Treasurer shall not serve as chair. The committee shall prepare a proposed budget for the following year and submit it to the Board before April 1, unless the Board directs otherwise.

B. Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall be composed of five members. Annually, at least three months prior to the elections of officers, the President shall appoint the chair, usually a member of the previous committee, and two members of the Board to serve on the committee. Two members shall be elected by the membership. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of officers. They shall report to the members of the Branch at least two weeks before the elections and present the slate at the April Branch meeting.

C. Additional Special Committees. Additional special committees may be authorized by the Board for specific tasks of limited duration. Chairs and members shall be appointed by the President in consultation with the Vice Presidents. Special committees may include Bylaws and Audit Committees.

Section 3. Committee Reports. The functions, procedures, and accomplishments of committees shall be described in annual committee reports that shall be submitted to the Vice Presidents and the President.

Section 4. Enrichment Activity Groups. Enrichment activity groups may be authorized by the Board for study, service, development of opportunities, education, and other interests of the members that conform to the purpose of the Branch. The liaison between the groups and the Board shall be the Enrichment Activities Director. She shall be appointed by the President for a two-year term.



Section 1. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year shall correspond to that of AAUW and shall begin on July 1.

Section 2. Financial Policies. The board shall set and maintain policies and procedures o control financial records consistent with generally accepted accounting principles and federal, state, and local laws including an annual financial review.

Section 3. Budget
. The Board shall adopt an annual budget for presentation to the branch.


Section 1. Branch Meetings.
There shall be at least seven meetings of Branch members each year. Said meetings may be program meetings, business meetings, or a combination of both.

Section 2. Annual Meeting. An annual meeting of the Branch shall be held during the month of May. The purpose shall be to install officers, receive reports of officers and committees, adopt a budget, fix dues, amend bylaws, if necessary, and conduct such other business as may be required.

Section 3. Quorum. One-seventh of the members of the Branch shall constitute a quorum. A quorum is not required for a program meeting.


Section 1. Title.
The title for all funds, and assets of the branch, whether incorporated or not,  shall at all times be vested in the branch for the joint use of members, and no member or group of members shall have any severance right to all or any part of such property. The branch shall have complete control over the acquisition, administration and disposition of its property without consent of AAUW, except that such property shall not be used for any purpose contrary to those of AAUW.

Section 2. Dissolution of Branch
. In the event of the dissolution of the branch, all assets of the branch, after payment of outstanding obligations, shall be transferred and delivered to an AAUW entity.


The provisions and conditions under which a branch may lose recognition are found in the AAUW Bylaws.


The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern this branch in all instances in which there are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws or those of AAUW or AAUW-NJ.


The officers and members of the Board and any volunteer serving on its behalf shall be indemnified for any costs, expenses, or liabilities incurred as a result of the performance of their duties as provided in N.J.S. 2A:53A-7.1, or any amendments thereto.


Section 1 AAUW Mandated Amendments. Amendments required by AAUW to bring branch bylaws into conformity shall not require a vote of the branch members, except that an incorporated branch shall take the necessary steps required by state law or its articles of incorporation.

Section 2. Prior Approval. All other proposed amendments to the branch bylaws shall be sent to the state bylaws committee for approval before the call for the branch vote. If there is no state structure, approval of amendments to branch bylaws in those states will be according to procedures established by the AAUW Governance Committee.

Section 3 Branch Vote. Provisions of these bylaws not governed by the AAUW Bylaws may be amended at a branch meeting by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting provided written notice shall have been sent to the members at least 14 days prior to the meeting.



Contact the President: Candace Shanks